IB Middle Years Programme – a curriculum that gives a school a purpose

Ofsted’s Chief Inspector Amanda Spielman recently shared findings from curriculum research on curriculum design, and a new education inspection framework for the UK.

She said that the skills and knowledge we want to pass on to future generations should be at the heart of education and that current curriculum models can be inflexible and narrow subject choices for students, particularly at key stage three.

The qualities of International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes provide an already present solution to the above. In particular, its Middle Years Programme (MYP) for students aged 11 – 16 is:

  • a flexible programme that can be delivered in different year formats (two years, three years, four years and five years) so it can be delivered in tandem with the national curriculum
  • a broad, interdisciplinary programme of education which teaches students many transferable skills and how subjects interlink
  • not prescriptive as to what students must learn and allows teachers to take ownership of their teaching.

Learn more about the benefits of the MYP and how it can bring out the best in your students in a free webinar presented by Dr. Peter Fidczuk, UK Development and Recognition Manager at the IB, on Wednesday 5 December at 2pm (BST).

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