Developing your learners’ individual qualities will allow them to thrive as responsible citizens of the future in a demanding global society. With a world that is increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous, we know that our learners will grow up facing challenging circumstances. To enable them to flourish and overcome these challenges, their dispositional qualities must be a key area of focus for teachers and school leaders. Whether consciously or not, personal learning cultivates within us a mindset to approaching challenges, and they strongly shape our attitudes and capabilities as thinkers and learners.
Facilitating opportunities which create the motivation and inclination for learners to positively contribute to their local and global communities, is by no means easy. However, with the help of the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) Personal Learning Goals your learners will develop their character, attitudes and master the art of self-reflection. Underpinning each of the academic subjects in a different way, the Personal Learning Goals are made up of 7 qualities that create a well-rounded and internationally minded person.
Opportunities for learning about these attitudes and the behaviours that result from them should be capitalised on, the IPC provides models and exemplars that help children to develop their understanding of what is expected of them when they are learning to be adaptable, thinkers, respectful, empathetic, communicators, collaborators, ethical or resilient.
As the International Primary Curriculum is used in over 90 countries, we have developed a matrix of indicators that describe each Personal Goal in relation to increasing maturity and breadth of experience. These provide learners and teachers with detailed illustrations of what is expected from each Personal Learning Goal.
Learn from Green Dragon Primary school about their experience with the IPC Personal Learning Goals here.