Grow your school leaders, teachers and support staff

Hackney Learning Trust believes that every member staff in schools should have in place a comprehensive professional development pathway. Their primary value is that they are children and learner focused and their welfare and achievement is at the centre of what they do.

They nurture a culture of learning in order that individual engagement will contribute to the development of the whole profession and they celebrate learning, relish challenge, and reflect critically on their practice as a profession.

To guide future progress in growing this learning culture, they have developed their annual Primary CPD Training Programme (secondary programme is coming out soon), which is available to all primary schools in and outside of Hackney.

They have an extensive range of leadership training to support school leaders at all stages of their careers, and their impressive range of courses for support staff give pedagogical, administrative and behaviour guidance. Some of their course categories include:

  • Business Services
  • Health and Safety
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Safeguarding and Child Protection
  • SEND and Inclusion
  • and more…

Courses can purchased individually or for a fixed price, their CPD package offers fantastic value and allows staff from each school to attend as many staff on eligible courses as they like throughout the academic year.

These courses ensure that staff are fully up to date in all the key curriculum, learning support and leadership areas.

So, if your school is in need of a whole school CPD Training Programme, you can visit their web page or download their programme. Alternatively you can contact Gideon Viljoen, Business Operation Manager on 020 8820 7223 or email him at

For more information and to see how Hackney Learning Trust can support you, you can visit their website.






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