Manor Green Primary Academy pupils get creative with Fabric Lenny

Pupils at Manor Green Primary Academy in Denton recently had the opportunity to get creative with renowned Northern artist Fabric Lenny.

Paul Slater, who goes by the name Fabric Lenny, creates a wide range of pieces ranging from sculpture and digital work to public art projects and collaborative schemes with young children.

Fabric Lenny visited the school and shared some of his work with Year 3 pupils, who expressed they were ‘impressed’ and ‘inspired’.

Over a five week period, he taught the pupils how to use various skills within their artwork, from continuous line drawings to digital art.

By the end of the five weeks, the year group, split into two groups, had created a final piece which was a combination of all the work they had created.

The project formed part of the year group’s PSHE learning, as they completed a booklet alongside the project entitled ‘Staying Safe’ as part of the Arts Award Discover certificate by the Tameside Council Cultural Services and Tameside Council Community Safety Department.

The Arts Award project supports individual creative development by working with young people of all interests, ages and abilities.

Thomas Keegan, Year 3 teacher at Manor Green Primary Academy, said: “The experience provided by Fabric Lenny was an invaluable experience for all pupils.

“They all loved his weekly sessions, and he really encouraged an overall love of art; everybody at Manor Green is extremely proud of their learning.”

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