Protect your students, staff and visitors from Sudden Cardiac Arrest!

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) can strike anyone at any time — including healthy children, adolescents, and adults. It’s important to include SCA as a medical emergency in your school’s health and safety plan. Is your school equipped to respond to SCA?

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) claims over 600 young lives every year.1 The only effective treatment for SCA is a shock from an AED combined with high-quality CPR administered as soon as possible. Is your school equipped to respond to an SCA emergency?

With over 2 million installed worldwide, ZOLL® AEDs are trusted by safety leaders because they are smart, reliable, and ready for the rescue.

Learn how ZOLL® AEDs can help save lives in the flyer “Protect Your Students from Sudden Cardiac Arrest”.

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