Are you preparing to teach or are already teaching T Levels in a school, academy or a University Technical College (UTC)?

If yes, then you should book a place on the Education and Training Foundation’s Teaching T Levels in Schools course taking place on Friday, 24 March 2023. This course is fully-funded, so is free for you to attend.

The course is aimed to help school staff develop their pedagogical practice in the context of teaching T Levels and will help to bring the world of work and industry practices into your classrooms, laboratories, and workshops, enabling you to deliver a rich curriculum with intent.

On this course, you will:

  • Explore the qualities and practices of effective dual professionals.
  • Consider the role and impact of high-quality employer and industrial relationships.
  • Consider effective teaching and learning practices for T Levels.
  • Explore how to effectively prepare learners and employers for the industry placement and supporting learners on their journey to work-readiness.

Get your T Level delivery off to the best possible start by booking your space today!


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