A free one-day conference in support of National Supply Teachers Week

Randstad Education has announced the content of the very first free to attend CPD conference for supply teachers. The CPD conference will be made up of a Keynote session followed by sessions which are chosen by the delegates. There are 3 parallel workshops giving delegates the opportunity to select one from each of three sessions.

Shape your teaching career

This conference – especially designed for supply teachers – is an opportunity to draw on specialist knowledge and network to share best practice. Senior school leaders with expertise in behaviour management, teaching and learning strategies, and curriculum policy will help you

  1. implement new teaching and learning strategies
  2. make your classroom teaching more effective
  3. promote student achievement, engagement and progression

The conference takes place on Saturday 20 June 2015 Heart Space, Level 2, Owen Building, City Campus, Sheffield Hallam University, from 09.30.


The keynote session (entitled ‘Excuse me, Miss, but why are you still so fat?’) will explore the huge impact – positive and/or negative – that educational staff can have on pupils with autism. There will be an exploration as to why children on the spectrum may have such high anxieties at school, and what can be done to alleviate those high arousal states.

Break out sessions cover the following areas – promoting positive behaviour; teaching students with SEND: developing their transferable skills; supporting students with English as an Additional Language; grammar, punctuation and spelling at Key Stage 2; international pedagogy- what we can learn from high performing jurisdictions; keeping it healthy and safe when covering science lessons; assessment and feedback; supporting teachers supporting students; the changing landscape of primary education and what it means for primary school teachers.

Booking is essential and places are still available: –


The conference and lunch are free to attend but transport is the responsibility of delegates – book early to find the cheapest deals on trains and hotels.

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