Benefits of AI in climate action

Our current global climate emergency calls for appropriate and prompt action. It may be one of our time’s most extensive and troubling challenges. We are in an existential threat; therefore, immediate attention and efforts are required.

Scientists predict that if we stay on our current course, the repercussions will be catastrophic, affecting things like where we reside, how we grow food, and other necessities for our well-being.

We are witnessing an exponential increase in pollutants due to the world’s continued industrialisation, which harms the climate, human health, agriculture, ecosystem biodiversity, air quality, food, water, and economic security for many.

The great news is that there are currently practicable and economically viable methods and technologies to combat climate change. By putting them in place, we can enhance millions of people’s health and way of life while also achieving numerous global sustainable development goals (SDGs). 

Artificial intelligence is one such modern technology which can be researched and used for the environment’s benefit.

Every industry is impacted by artificial intelligence, which has changed essential fields like medicine by assisting doctors in diagnosis, treatment, and research. AI has also allowed scientists to make significant advancements in studying climate change.

Artificial intelligence and advanced analytics can be utilised to manage complex issues connected to reducing climate change and enhancing adaptation and resilience. If we want to attain net-zero emissions by 2050, the use of AI in climate action must be significantly increased.

Artificial intelligence as a tool is ideally suited to assist in managing these intricate problems. It can help all stakeholders adopt a more insightful and data-driven strategy for reducing carbon emissions and establishing a greener society because of its capacity to collect, complete, and interpret vast data on emissions, the greenhouse effect, and more.

AI may be used to measure emissions both at the micro and macro levels, as well as to reduce emissions and the effects of greenhouse gasses (GHGs). It also has the potential to support initiatives in climate research, modelling, finance, and education.

Here are some concrete benefits of artificial intelligence in the fight against climate change:

Agriculture and food production

To allow for early identification of plant disease and concerns, to provide coordinated nutrition to livestock, and typically to optimise farm inputs and returns based on supply and demand.

AI-augmented agriculture uses automated data collection, decision-making, and corrective actions via robotics. This strategy aims to improve the agriculture sector’s resource efficiency by reducing the consumption of water, fertilisers, and pesticides that harm significant ecosystems and boost resistance to climate extremes.

Environmental surveillance

Recent severe weather occurrences, including floods in Indonesia, wildfires in Australia, hurricanes in Bangladesh and India, and green snow in Antarctica, have wreaked havoc worldwide. All of these situations highlight the necessity of swift climate change mitigation.

AI can be utilised to enhance weather forecasts and interventions to prevent such occurrences. Among other things, AI can improve danger forecasting for geographically based long-term events like sea level rise and immediate, intense occurrences like hurricanes. 

The emerging discipline of climate informatics uses artificial intelligence to revolutionise weather forecasting and advance our comprehension of the impacts of climate change. This also involves the control of exposure and susceptibility, for example, through creating infrastructure that can lessen the effects of climatic hazards.

Energy efficiency

Additionally, AI applications could maximise the deployment of renewable energy sources by supplying solar and wind energy into the electrical grid as needed, increasing power storage, and designing more energy-efficient structures. 

On a lesser scale, it might assist families in reducing their energy consumption by automatically turning off lights when not in use or rerouting electricity from electric cars to the grid to fulfill expected demand.

Waste management

When it pertains to trash management, AI is crucial. One function they provide is intelligent trash cans. Cities may modify and enhance the routes, times, and frequency of waste collection thanks to IoT sensors that monitor the availability of trash cans across neighbourhoods.

Given that AI-powered devices operate at speeds far faster than human labour, automated sorting is a situation where AI has an instant and significant advantage.

Clean transport

CO2 emissions from transportation are a significant contributor to the atmosphere. Another way that AI contributes to climate action is by using electric vehicles, intelligent buses, and other green alternatives to fossil fuels.

The technology aids in providing effective and environmentally friendly transportation, even though it does shift attention to a variety of new issues, such as how electric car costs must be decreased, battery charging times must be shortened, and capacity increased.

Disaster response

To identify weaknesses and improve disaster preparedness, AI can be used to analyse models and complex data of meteorological events and catastrophes in a region.

The synchronisation of emergency information capabilities can also help deliver early warnings and prioritise responses. Disaster simulations can also incorporate cutting-edge intelligence and analytics to choose the best response plans.

Wrapping up

All hands must be on deck to combat climate change. Due to technological advancements, it is now feasible to use emerging technologies to address some of the most significant global issues. It’s time to use AI to save the world and urgently and efficiently reduce emissions.

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